Child and adolescent psychotherapist in private practice
November 2015 – present
- individual psychotherapy for children & young people aged 0-25, parent-child (dyadic) & family work, consultation to networks, specialist assessments, parent support
- clinical supervision of therapists from a range of trainings and with varying levels of experience, including trainees
- work with parents / carers and families (regular & ad hoc consultations, therapeutic parenting support)
Clinical Director and child and adolescent psychotherapist at The Bridge Foundation Bristol.
January 2023 – present
Clinical Manager / Senior Child and adolescent psychotherapist / Director at The Bridge Foundation Bristol
February 2014 – present
Various roles including: Child and adolescent psychotherapist / senior psychotherapist / Clinical Director; responsibilities including:
- Individual psychotherapy (short and long term) with young people aged 0-25
- Supervision (of Bridge Foundation therapists & external supervision)
- Participation in referrals decisions
- Responsibility for social media
- Work with parents / carers and families
- Specialist assessments
- Consultations to other agencies
- Manager of the Bridge Psychotherapy Service team (January 2020-December 2022) / Clinical Director of The Bridge Foundation (January 2023-December 2024)
- Safeguarding lead (January 2023-December 2024)
- Lead for commissioned work service (adoption support, social services, court work, NHS) (October 2017-December 2019)
Child and adolescent psychotherapist, Abingdon CAMHS
Duties – as above, working with young people aged 0-18
Child and adolescent psychotherapist in training, Melksham CAMHS
September 2010 – July 2014
Duties – as above
Teacher at St Mary Redcliffe and Temple School (Bristol)
Teacher at The Mulberry Bush School (Oxfordshire)
- Teacher of children with severe emotional and behavioural difficulties in a residential therapeutic community, working within a psychoanalytic framework. Children’s behaviours included physical and verbal aggression, excessive risk taking, school refusal, causing damage to their environment, severe distrust of others and many other presentations. Children at the school had often experienced severe trauma, neglect or abuse or multiple placement breakdown.
- Group work, individual work
- Developing emotional literacy & social skills
Assistant head of unit at PRUIS (Pupil Referral unit and Integration Service), Oxfordshire
- Teacher and assistant head of unit; working with adolescents excluded from school
- Personal, social and health education; social and classroom skills; building self-esteem
- Group and individual teaching (general curriculum with specialism in literacy)
- Consultations to schools
Teacher / head of literacy at St Bartholomew’s School (Newbury)
- Teacher of English and literacy
- Special needs literacy teaching