
I am an experienced supervisor, working with both individuals and groups. This includes:

  • supervision of ACP registered child psychotherapists
  • supervision of other child and adolescent psychotherapists (e.g. art / music therapists, counsellors working with children and young people)
  • clinical supervision of people working with children and young people in other contexts, e.g. schools, hospitals, youth settings (etc.)
  • consultations to schools and others in a child’s professional network, e.g. around a particular child, dynamics in a class or year group, contribute to decision making around a child’s future placement (etc.)
  • specialist supervision for professionals working with children and adolescents in specialist social, emotional & behavioural / mental health settings, or where a child / young person’s behaviour is experienced as extremely challenging

Supervision can be tailored around your needs, but is likely to include an oversight of your caseload as well as focus on the details of individual sessions / clients. I am able to act as your clinical trustee if this is needed.

Supervision can take place face-to-face or online.

I have undertaken supervision training both as part of my original qualification and in more recent CPD, and I receive supervision of my supervision.